Course Enrolment

Enrolment Form

Please fill out the below form to enrol in any of our wide range of dog training courses. If you have any questions relating to this form please feel free to contact us.

Which Course / Location

Please choose a course and location that you are interested in enrolling to. Click here to see the list of courses and locations.

Information about you

Which of the following have you used whilst training your dog/s?
Please select all that apply

Information about your dog


Is he/she desexed?  
Accepts approaches from friendly strangers
Sits politely to greet people
Is sociable with, yet able to ignore other dogs
Settles quickly when requested
Responds to name with eye contact
Lies down beside and in front of you when requested
Comes when called
Stays in position for at least 5 seconds when requested
Able to ignore low level distractions when requested
Walks without pulling on a lead

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