FREE Exclusive Urban Legends Social Group


To Enrol in the Urban Legends Social Group Click Here 

Urban Dog Training now runs a FREE Urban Legends Social Group every Sunday between 3:00pm - 3:45pm at the following address:

Carina State School

1413 Creek Rd (Cnr Meadowlands Rd)


Urban Legends Social Group is open exclusively to all socially appropriate desexed dogs that have completed six (6) Urban Dog Training obedience courses, regardless of age, breed or size. Our FREE Urban Legends Social Group provides a safe environment where your dog can continue to get the important socialisation they need, in a controlled and friendly environment, supervised by behavioural dog trainers, for the rest of your dog’s life! Your dog will have a great time socialising and you’ll develop friendships with other committed dog lovers in our local community!  


Our aim is to provide a safe, supportive atmosphere where our client’s dogs can relax and socialise with socially appropriate dogs. Additionally, we want to promote socialisation opportunities for our clients and staff among the Urban Dog Training dog-loving community. 

Inclusion in this social group is conditional upon your dog’s suitability for off-leash socialisation with dogs of all sizes and breeds. Although this social group is available to Urban Legends exclusively, your status as an Urban Legend does not automatically entitle your dog for inclusion, since only socially appropriate dogs will be permitted to attend. Dogs displaying aggression, anti-social behaviour or timidity are not suitable for off-leash play. This social group is not a format to rehabilitate anti-social or fearful dogs. 

We reserve the right to remove and exclude any dog that is deemed aggressive, anti-social or fearful at any time for the safety of all concerned, including your dog. If you are unsure of your dog’s suitability for inclusion in this social group please contact us. Dogs who have not attended our FREE Play Group sessions for a period of twelve (12) months or more will automatically need to be assessed for suitability. Assessments will be conducted within the first three (3) Social Group sessions. Please understand that we need to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all dogs and people in attendance and no exceptions can be made for anti-social dogs. 


Although the Urban Legends Social Group is a FREE service enrolments are essential for each attendance as there are limited spaces available. Enrolments close each Friday at 4:00pm, or earlier if full.

To qualify for inclusion in the FREE Legends Play Group your dog must be desexed and have completed at least six (6) Urban Dog Training obedience courses.


This play group will not be segregated into small and large breeds. All dogs regardless of breed or size will socialise together, so your dog will need stellar social skills. 




If you have not attended our FREE Play Group sessions for some time and would like to have a revision of what is and isn't appropriate dog play, please feel free to enrol in our FREE Play Group Orientation. This session is held every Sunday from 12.00pm until 1.30pm. 


At Urban Dog Training we are committed to child safety around dogs. The dogs at the Urban Legends Social Group can be quite large and rambunctious, often causing injury to adults in attendance. Therefore, for Health & Safety reasons we cannot allow children into Urban Legends Social Group.

Children and teenagers under 18 years of age are not permitted to attend the Urban Legends Social Group.


The Urban Legends Social Group will not be held in inclement or very hot weather. Please check our Facebook page before you leave home if you are unsure whether or not the Urban Legends Social Group will be held. We will post a notice on this page and on our Facebook page in the event that the Urban Legends Social Group needs to be cancelled due to weather, trainer illness or any other unforeseen circumstance.

Please do not telephone or email us to see if the Urban Legends Play Group has been cancelled, as we are unable to respond on a Sunday due to our training commitments.

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